Hercules Build Smite 2

Hercules Build

Hercules Smite: Guide to playing Hercules Smite 2, providing you with the best builds. Hercules is a Warrior and choosing the right relics and items for Hercules will maximize him power in battle.

( Champion Of Rome )

Win rate: 46.54% – Pick rate: 7.96%

Difficulty: ( Easy )

Class: Warrior

Pantheon: Roman

Type: Melee, Physical

Tier: ( A )

Hercules Best Build

Smite 2: Hercules Items Build

Smite 1: Hercules Items Build


Hercules Conquest build: Sundering Axe, Golden Blade, Oni Hunter’s Garb, Prophetic Cloak, Breastplate of Regrowth, Mantle of Discord.

Hercules Joust build: Rangda’s Mask, Jotunn’s Vigor, Brawler’s Beat Stick, Shadowdrinker, Serrated Edge, Hydra’s Lament.

Hercules Duel build: Bumba’s Spear, Jotunn’s Wrath, Hydra’s Lament, Serrated Edge, Heartseeker, Bloodforge.

Hercules’s Skill Order

Skill 1 > Skill 3 > Skill 2.

Skill Order1234567891011121314151617181920
Driving Strikexxxxx
Mitigate Woundsxxxxx

Hercules Skill

Passive: Strength from Pain

When Hercules is attacked by an enemy, he gains additional strength and increases physical damage.

Skill 1: Driving Strike

Hercules will launch an attack that deals damage, knocks back, and stuns enemies.

Skill 2: Earthbreaker

Hercules slams the ground, creating a shockwave that damages enemies in its path. Enemies are thrown into the air at the end of the shockwave.

Skill 3: Mitigate Wounds

Hercules gains health regeneration, increased attack speed, increased magic defense, and physical defense. He will heal when he takes damage from enemies.

Skill 4: Excavate

Hercules throws a large rock at an enemy, damaging all enemies in its path.

How To Play Hercules ?

Hercules can go Solo Lane.

Hercules can take hits and deal damage well so build him with both defense and attack boosts.

Combo Hercules:

Skill 2 + Skill 1.

Earthbreaker + Driving Strike

Skill 3 + Skill 2 + Skill 1 + Skill 4.

Mitigate Wounds + Earthbreaker + Driving Strike + Excavate

Hercules Team:

These picks good Hercules : Atlas, Cernunnos, Hercules, Ravana.

Hercules Threats:

These picks counter Hercules : Chaac, Poseidon, Artio, Ares.

Hercules Build Breakdown

Hercules should start with items like: Multi Potion, Healing Potion, Katana, Teleport Fragment, Warrior’s Axe. Hercules will be stronger with the following items: Gladiator’s Shield, Genji’s Guard, Breastplate of Regrowth, Golden Blade.

Gold needed to build items for Hercules:

Sundering AxeGolden BladeOni Hunter’s GarbProphetic CloakBreastplate of RegrowthMantle of Discord
2150 (Gold)(Gold)2100 (Gold)2350 (Gold)2250 (Gold)2600 (Gold)

Analysis of Hercules’s items attributes:

  • Physical Power
  • Magical Power
  • Physical Protection
  • Magical Protection
  • Health
  • MP5
  • Crowd Control Reduction
  • Cooldown Reduction
  • Mana

Starting Build: Katana, Multi Potion, Healing Potion, Warrior’s Axe, Teleport Fragment.

Blessings: Sundering Axe, Warrior’s Axe, Axe of Animosity.

Actives: Persistent Teleport, Sturdy Shard, Greater Blink Rune, Greater Teleport Fragment.

Core: Genji’s Guard, Breastplate of Regrowth, Gladiator’s Shield, Golden Blade.

Build for Game Modes

Breastplate Of RegrowthBreastplate Of RegrowthBreastplate Of RegrowthBreastplate Of RegrowthBreastplate Of Regrowth
Warrior’s AxeGladiator’s ShieldGladiator’s ShieldStone Of GaiaGladiator’s Shield
Shifter’s ShieldOni Hunter’s GarbGauntlet Of ThebesGenji’s GuardOni Hunter’s Garb
Oni Hunter’s GarbTalisman Of EnergyWarrior’s AxeGladiator’s ShieldProphetic Cloak
Genji’s GuardSpirit RobePestilenceWarding SigilSundering Axe
Gauntlet Of ThebesSundering AxeShifter’s ShieldOni Hunter’s GarbWarrior’s Axe
Frostbound HammerWarrior’s AxeOni Hunter’s GarbSpirit RobeShifter’s Shield
Hydra’s LamentGenji’s GuardGenji’s GuardSigil Of The Old GuardSpirit Robe

Hercules Statistics


Health686 (+93)Mana205 (+32)
Speed375 (+0)Range12 (+0)
Attack/Sec1 (+1%)

Basic Attack

Physical25 (+3)Magical32 (+1.6)
HP57 (+0.63)MP54.3 (+0.4)

Matchups VS Hercules

NameMatchesWin rate
Hercules vs Neith
Hercules vs Neith
1756 45.84%
Hercules vs Anubis
Hercules vs Anubis
Hercules vs Nu Wa
Hercules vs Nu Wa
Hercules vs Ymir
Hercules vs Ymir
1259 43.21%
Hercules vs Thanatos
Hercules vs Thanatos
1245 54.86%
Hercules vs Poseidon
Hercules vs Poseidon
1226 46.17%
Hercules vs Medusa
Hercules vs Medusa
1208 45.78%
Hercules vs Mulan
Hercules vs Mulan
1173 43.39%

Conclusion on Hercules

If you like a Warrior, choose Hercules.

What are the abilities of Hercules in smite?

Hercules smite is known as Champion Of Rome, taking on the role of Warrior with Easy difficulty. Hercules’s passive is Strength from Pain, skill 1 is Driving Strike, skill 2 is Earthbreaker, skill 3 is Mitigate Wounds and ultimate is Excavate.

Best Relics for Hercules in Smite ?

Greater Teleport Fragment, Greater Blink Rune.

Best Items for Hercules in Smite ?

 Gladiator’s Shield, Genji’s Guard, Breastplate of Regrowth, Golden Blade.

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