Ganesha Build Smite 2025

Ganesha Build

Ganesha Smite: Guide to playing Ganesha Smite, providing you with the best builds. Ganesha is a Guardian and choosing the right relics and items for Ganesha will maximize him power in battle.

( God Of Success )

Win rate: 51.2% – Pick rate: 6.49%

Difficulty: ( Average )

Class: Guardian

Pantheon: Hindu

Type: Melee, Magical

Tier: ( A )

Ganesha Best Build



Ganesha Conquest build: War Banner, Evolved Gauntlet of Thebes, Eldritch Dagger, Spectral Armor, Absolution, Reverent Pridwen.

Ganesha Joust build: Compassion, Evolved Gauntlet of Thebes, Spirit Robe, Pestilence, Pridwen, Eldritch Dagger.

Ganesha Duel build: Compassion, Evolved Gauntlet of Thebes, Midgardian Mail, Reverent Pridwen, Heartward Amulet, Bewitched Dagger.

Ganesha’s Skill Order

Skill 1 > Skill 3 > Skill 2.

Skill Order1234567891011121314151617181920
Turn of Fatexxxxx
Remove Obstaclesxxxxx
Dharmic Pillarsxxxxx

Ganesha Skill

Passive: Good Fortune

Ganesha kills enemies to increase allies’ credit and gain assist rewards.

Skill 1: Turn of Fate

Ganesha curses enemies with his will and deals damage to them.

Skill 2: Ohm

Ganesha chants in a lotus pose, silencing enemies in a cone shape. Ganesha gains increased defense and is immune to knockback.

Skill 3: Remove Obstacles

Ganesha charges forward, hooking his enemies with his whip.

Skill 4: Dharmic Pillars

Ganesha summons 4 pillars that imprison enemies, who when passed through will take damage, be slowed, and have their defenses reduced.

How To Play Ganesha ?

Ganesha can go Duo Lane – Support.

Ganesha is a great support that can aid allies and harass enemies.

Combo Ganesha:

Skill 3 + Skill 2 + Skill 1.

Remove Obstacles + Ohm + Turn of Fate

Skill 4 + Skill 1.

Dharmic Pillars + Turn of Fate

Ganesha Team:

These picks good Ganesha : Thor, Achilles, Ganesha, Martichoras.

Ganesha Threats:

These picks counter Ganesha : Ymir, Heimdallr, Cerberus, Cabrakan.

Ganesha Build Breakdown

Ganesha should start with items like: Benevolence, Healing Potion, Glowing Emerald. Ganesha will be stronger with the following items: Sovereignty, Pestilence, Shogun’s Kusari, Prophetic Cloak.

Gold needed to build items for Ganesha:

War BannerEvolved Gauntlet of ThebesEldritch DaggerSpectral ArmorAbsolution Reverent Pridwen
1850 (Gold)1750 (Gold)1900 (Gold)2300 (Gold)2250 (Gold)2250 (Gold)

Analysis of Ganesha’s items attributes:

  • Physical Protection
  • Magical Protection
  • Health
  • MP5
  • Health
  • HP5
  • Cooldown Reduction
  • Crowd Control Reduction
  • Movement Speed
  • Physical Protection

Starting Build: Benevolence, Glowing Emerald, Healing Potion.

Blessings: Sentinel’s Embrace, Sentinel’s Gift, War Flag.

Actives: Greater Horrific Emblem, Greater Magic Shell, Phantom Shell, Sturdy Shard.

Core: Shogun’s Kusari, Pestilence, Sovereignty, Prophetic Cloak.

Build for Game Modes

Gauntlet Of ThebesGauntlet Of ThebesGauntlet Of ThebesGauntlet Of ThebesGauntlet Of Thebes
Sentinel’s GiftReverent PridwenBreastplate Of ValorAmulet Of The StrongholdProphetic Cloak
SovereigntySovereigntyBreastplate Of DeterminationSentinel’s GiftReverent Pridwen
Reverent PridwenSpear Of DesolationShogun’s KusariPridwenContagion
Prophetic CloakTalisman Of EnergyWarrior’s AxeHeartward AmuletSentinel’s Embrace
Sentinel’s EmbraceSentinel’s EmbraceSpirit RobeSovereigntyStone Of Binding
Shogun’s KusariPridwenGenji’s GuardContagionBreastplate Of Valor
PridwenChronos’ PendantContagionSpear Of DesolationPridwen

Ganesha Statistics


Health693 (+100)Mana200 (+40)
Speed360 (+0)Range12 (+0)
Attack/Sec1 (+1.2%)

Basic Attack

Physical28 (+3.4)Magical35 (+1.6)
HP56 (+0.67)MP54.6 (+0.42)

Matchups VS Ganesha

NameMatchesWin rate
Ganesha vs Neith
Ganesha vs Neith
Ganesha vs Anubis
Ganesha vs Anubis
Ganesha vs Nu Wa
Ganesha vs Nu Wa
Ganesha vs Ymir
Ganesha vs Ymir
Ganesha vs Thanatos
Ganesha vs Thanatos
Ganesha vs Poseidon
Ganesha vs Poseidon
Ganesha vs Mulan
Ganesha vs Mulan
Ganesha vs Medusa
Ganesha vs Medusa

Conclusion on Ganesha

If you like a Guardian, choose Ganesha.

What are the abilities of Ganesha in smite?

Ganesha smite is known as God Of Success, taking on the role of Guardian with Average difficulty. Ganesha’s passive is Good Fortune, skill 1 is Turn of Fate, skill 2 is Ohm, skill 3 is Remove Obstacles and ultimate is Dharmic Pillars.

Best Relics for Ganesha in Smite ?

Magic Shell, Greater Horrific Emblem.

Best Items for Ganesha in Smite ?

Sovereignty, Pestilence, Shogun’s Kusari, Prophetic Cloak.

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