Baron Samedi Build Smite 2

Baron Samedi Build

Baron Samedi Smite: Guide to playing Baron Samedi Smite 2, providing you with the best builds. Baron Samedi is a Mage and choosing the right relics and items for Baron Samedi will maximize him power in battle.

( God Of Life And Death )

Win rate: 53.9% – Pick rate: 12.81%

Difficulty: ( Hard )

Class: Mage

Pantheon: Voodoo

Type: Ranged, Physical

Tier: ( A )

Baron Samedi Best Build

Smite 2: Baron Samedi Items Build

Smite 1: Baron Samedi Items Build


Baron Samedi Conquest build: Gem of Focus, Chronos’ Pendant, Evolved Book of Thoth, Obsidian Shard, Soul Reaver, Soul Gem.

Baron Samedi Joust build: Gem of Focus, Doom Orb, Divine Ruin, Chronos’ Pendant, Obsidian Shard, Ethereal Staff.

Baron Samedi Duel build: Gem of Focus, Spear of Desolation, Divine Ruin, Calamitous Rod of Tahuti, Soul Reaver, Spear of the Magus.

Baron Samedi’s Skill Order

Skill 1 > Skill 2 > Skill 3.

Skill Order1234567891011121314151617181920
Vivid Gazexxxxx
Consign Spiritsxxxxx
Wrap It Upxxxxx
Life of the Partyxxxxx

Baron Samedi Skill

Passive: Hysteria

Baron Samedi will receive powerful healing abilities from the Holy Grail. When Baron Samedi attacks an enemy, Hysteria will be applied to them.

Skill 1: Vivid Gaze

Baron Samedi will revive 2 skulls that shoot magic beams that damage enemies hit.

Skill 2: Consign Spirits

Baron Samedi buries souls in the ground. After a period of time, the ground erupts, damaging enemies in the area and healing nearby allies.

Skill 3: Wrap It Up

Baron Samedi will throw his snake, damaging enemies it hits and rooting them.

Skill 4: Life of the Party

Baron Samedi will drag the souls of the living towards his coffin. He is immune to crowd control, damages enemies, and stuns them.

How To Play Baron Samedi?

Baron Samedi can go Solo Lane or Mid Lane.

Use Life of the Party to pull as many enemies as possible in teamfights. Prioritize AP and cooldown reduction items to maximize Baron Samedi’s power.

Combo Baron Samedi:

Skill 3 + Skill 2.

Wrap It Up + Consign Spirits

 Skill 4 + Skill 3 + Skill 1 + Skill 2.

Life of the Party + Wrap It Up + Vivid Gaze + Consign Spirits

Baron Samedi Team:

These picks good Baron Samedi: Ah Puch, Baron Samedi, Artemis, Ares

Baron Samedi Threats:

These picks counter Baron Samedi: Chang’e, Thoth, Ravana, Discordia.

Baron Samedi Build Breakdown

Baron Samedi should start with items like: Spellbook, Healing Potion, Warrior’s Axe. Baron Samedi will be stronger with the following items: Spear of Desolation, Chronos’ Pendant, Divine Ruin, Prophetic Cloak.

Gold needed to build items for Baron Samedi:

Gem of FocusChronos’ PendantEvolved Book of ThothObsidian ShardSoul ReaverSoul Gem
2200 (Gold)2600 (Gold)1851 (Gold)2500 (Gold)2650 (Gold)2350 (Gold)

Analysis of Baron Samedi’s items attributes:

  • Magical Power
  • Health
  • MP5
  • Mana
  • Magical Penetration
  • Magical Lifesteal
  • Cooldown Reduction

Starting Build: Spellbook, Healing Potion, Warrior’s Axe.

Blessings: Pendulum of Ages, Sands of Time, The Alternate Timeline.

Actives: Greater Aegis Amulet, Greater Purification Beads, Sturdy Shard, Temporal Beads.

Core: Divine Ruin, Prophetic Cloak, Spear of Desolation, Chronos’ Pendant.

Build for Game Modes

Chronos’ PendantChronos’ PendantChronos’ PendantChronos’ PendantChronos’ Pendant
Divine RuinSpear Of DesolationSpear Of DesolationCharon’s CoinDivine Ruin
Spear Of DesolationDivine RuinDivine RuinSpear Of DesolationCharon’s Coin
Sands Of TimeSoul ReaverSands Of TimeSands Of TimeSpear Of Desolation
Doom OrbDoom OrbSoul ReaverRod Of TahutiDoom Orb
Book Of ThothSands Of TimeRod Of TahutiSoul ReaverSoul Reaver
Prophetic CloakRod Of TahutiObsidian ShardDivine RuinRod Of Tahuti
Gauntlet Of ThebesThe Alternate TimelineCalamitous Rod Of TahutiCalamitous Rod Of TahutiSands Of Time

Baron Samedi Statistics


Health532 (+84)Mana300 (+44)
Speed360 (+0)Range55 (+0)
Attack/Sec0.9 (+0.8%)

Basic Attack

Physical25 (+2.8)Magical30 (+1.6)
HP57 (+0.6)MP55 (+0.45)

Matchups VS Baron Samedi

NameMatchesWin rate
Baron Samedi vs Anubis
Baron Samedi vs Anubis
2226 45.46%
Baron Samedi vs Neith
Baron Samedi vs Neith
2144 51.03%
Baron Samedi vs Nu Wa
Baron Samedi vs Nu Wa
1976 47.47%
Baron Samedi vs Ymir
Baron Samedi vs Ymir
1648 52.12%
Baron Samedi vs Poseidon
Baron Samedi vs Poseidon
1561 48.56%
Baron Samedi vs Thanatos
Baron Samedi vs Thanatos
1490 56.91%
Baron Samedi vs Medusa
Baron Samedi vs Medusa
1480 52.57%
Baron Samedi vs Mulan
Baron Samedi vs Mulan
1461 49.69%

Conclusion on Baron Samedi

If you like a Mage, choose Baron Samedi.

What are the abilities of Baron Samedi in smite?

Baron Samedi smite is known as God Of Life And Death, taking on the role of Mage with Hard difficulty. Baron Samedi’s passive is Hysteria, skill 1 is Vivid Gaze, skill 2 is Consign Spirits, skill 3 is Wrap It Up and ultimate is Life of the Party.

Best Relics for Baron Samedi in Smite ?

Aegis of Acceleration, Temporal Beads.

Best Items for Baron Samedi in Smite ?

Spear of Desolation, Chronos’ Pendant, Divine Ruin, Prophetic Cloak.

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