Cu Chulainn Build Smite 2025

Cu Chulainn Build

Cu Chulainn Smite: Guide to playing Cu Chulainn Smite, providing you with the best builds. Cu Chulainn is a Warrior and choosing the right relics and items for Cu Chulainn will maximize him power in battle.

( Hound Of Ulster )

Win rate: 52.49% – Pick rate: 4.13%

Difficulty: ( Average )

Class: Warrior 

Pantheon: Celtic 

Type: Melee, Physical

Tier: (A)

Cu Chulainn Best Build



Cu Chulainn Conquest build: Corrupted Bluestone, Mystical Mail, Gladiator’s Shield, Oni Hunter’s Garb, Mantle of Discord, Glorious Pridwen.

Cu Chulainn Joust build: Corrupted Bluestone, Midgardian Mail, Mystical Mail, Contagion, Glorious Pridwen, Oni Hunter’s Garb.

Cu Chulainn Duel build: Corrupted Bluestone, Genji’s Guard, Mystical Mail, Archdruid’s Fury, Reverent Pridwen, Mantle of Discord.

Cu Chulainn’s Skill Order

Skill 1 > Skill 3 > Skill 2.

Skill Order1234567891011121314151617181920
Barbed Spear (Ground Slam)xxxxx
Vent Angerxxxxx
Salmon's Leap (Furious Charge)xxxxx
Spear of Mortal Pain (War Cry)xxxxx

Cu Chulainn Skill

Passive: Berserk

Cu Chulainn will accumulate Rage to become Berserk through the use of skills and basic attacks.

Skill 1: Barbed Spear (Ground Slam)

Cu Chulain thrusts his spear forward, damaging enemies hit, reducing their healing, and stunning weaker minions. In Berserk form, Cu Chulain slams the ground, damaging and stunning enemies hit.

Skill 2: Vent Anger

Cu Chulainn unleashes superheated steam on enemies, dealing damage over time. In Berserk form, nearby enemies are burned.

Skill 3: Salmon’s Leap (Furious Charge)

Cu Chulainn jumps over the spear and lands at the target location, damaging enemies in the target area. In Berserk form, Cu Chulainn will dash forward, damaging, stunning, and knocking back enemies hit.

Skill 4: Spear of Mortal Pain (War Cry)

Cu Chulainn swings his spear around him, dealing damage to enemies hit. Hitting an enemy restores 10 rage, transforms, and screams, dealing damage to nearby enemies. In Berserker form, Cu Chulainn will receive Power and Health Shield.

How To Play Cu Chulainn?

Cu Chulainn can go Solo Lane or Jungle.

Cu Chulainn has strong defense capabilities, prioritizing charging to attack enemies.

Combo Cu Chulainn:

 Skill 3 + Skill 1.

Salmon's Leap (Furious Charge) + Barbed Spear (Ground Slam)

Skill 1 + Skill 3.

Barbed Spear (Ground Slam) + Salmon's Leap (Furious Charge)

 Skill 3 + Skill 4 + Skill 1.

Salmon's Leap (Furious Charge) + Spear of Mortal Pain (War Cry) + Barbed Spear (Ground Slam)

Skill 1 + Skill 3 + Skill 4.

Barbed Spear (Ground Slam) + Salmon's Leap (Furious Charge) + Spear of Mortal Pain (War Cry)

Skill 4 + Skill 1 + Skill 3.

Spear of Mortal Pain (War Cry) + Barbed Spear (Ground Slam) + Salmon's Leap (Furious Charge)

Cu Chulainn Team:

These picks good Cu Chulainn: Cu Chulainn, Ishtar, Yu Huang, Awilix.

Cu Chulainn Threats:

These picks counter Cu Chulainn: King Arthur, Guan Yu, Camazotz, Cabrakan.

Cu Chulainn Build Breakdown

Cu Chulainn should start with items like: Spiked Gauntlet, Teleport Fragment, Chalice of Healing, Tainted Steel. Cu Chulainn will be stronger with the following items: Oni Hunter’s Garb, Mystical Mail, Gladiator’s Shield, Contagion.

Gold needed to build items for Cu Chulainn:

Corrupted BluestoneMystical MailGladiator’s ShieldOni Hunter’s GarbMantle of DiscordGlorious Pridwen
2150 (Gold)2400 (Gold)2300 (Gold)2100 (Gold)2650 (Gold)2250 (Gold)

Analysis of Cu Chulainn’s items attributes:

  • Physical Power
  • Health
  • HP5
  • MP5
  • Physical Protection
  • Crowd Control Reduction
  • Cooldown Reduction
  • Magical Protection

Starting Build: Teleport Fragment, Chalice of Healing, Tainted Steel, Spiked Gauntlet.

Blessings: Warrior’s Axe, Bluestone Pendant, Bluestone Brooch.

Actives: Persistent Teleport, Scorching Blink Rune, Greater Teleport Fragment, Sturdy Shard.

Core: Oni Hunter’s Garb, Mystical Mail, Contagion, Gladiator’s Shield.

Build for Game Modes

Gladiator’s ShieldGladiator’s ShieldGladiator’s ShieldGladiator’s ShieldGladiator’s Shield
Bluestone PendantOni Hunter’s GarbGauntlet Of ThebesOni Hunter’s GarbProphetic Cloak
Mystical MailProphetic CloakGenji’s GuardProphetic CloakOni Hunter’s Garb
Oni Hunter’s GarbContagionShifter’s ShieldStone Of GaiaShifter’s Shield
Shifter’s ShieldSpirit RobeWarrior’s AxeWarrior’s AxeMystical Mail
Shield Of The PhoenixMystical MailMystical MailContagionPridwen
ContagionShifter’s ShieldBluestone PendantMystical MailShield Of The Phoenix
Reverent PridwenInfused SigilReverent PridwenShield Of The PhoenixContagion

Cu Chulainn Statistics


Health672 (+89)Mana100 (+0)
Speed370 (+0)Range16 (+0)
Attack/Sec1 (+1.25%)

Basic Attack

Physical24 (+3.2)Magical32 (+1.6)
HP57 (+0.75)MP50 (+0)

Matchups VS Cu Chulainn

NameMatchesWin rate
Cu Chulainn vs Anubis
Cu Chulainn vs Anubis
1504 44.75%
Cu Chulainn vs Neith
Cu Chulainn vs Neith
1395 50.68%
Cu Chulainn vs Nu Wa
Cu Chulainn vs Nu Wa
1355 47.82%
Cu Chulainn vs Poseidon
Cu Chulainn vs Poseidon
1052 49.62%
Cu Chulainn vs Ymir
Cu Chulainn vs Ymir
1035 49.76%
Cu Chulainn vs Mulan
Cu Chulainn vs Mulan
975 46.87%
Cu Chulainn vs Thanatos
Cu Chulainn vs Thanatos
967 57.08%
Cu Chulainn vs Medusa
Cu Chulainn vs Medusa
938 49.68%

Conclusion on Cu Chulainn

If you like a Warrior, choose Cu Chulainn.

What are the abilities of Cu Chulainn in smite?

Cu Chulainn smite is known as Hound Of Ulster, taking on the role of Warrior with Average difficulty. Cu Chulainn’s passive is Berserk, skill 1 is Barbed Spear (Ground Slam), skill 2 is Vent Anger, skill 3 is Salmon’s Leap (Furious Charge) and ultimate is Spear of Mortal Pain (War Cry).

Best Relics for Cu Chulainn in Smite ?

Thorns of Judgement, Persistent Teleport.

Best Items for Cu Chulainn in Smite ?

Oni Hunter’s Garb, Mystical Mail, Gladiator’s Shield, Contagion.

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