Athena Build Smite 2 and Smite 1

Athena Build

Athena Smite: Guide to playing Athena Smite 2 and 1, providing you with the best builds. Athena is a Guardian and choosing the right relics and items for Athena will maximize her power in battle.

( Goddess Of Wisdom )

Win rate: 53.78% – Pick rate: 5.83%

Difficulty: ( Easy )

Class: Guardian 

Pantheon: Greek 

Type: Melee, Physical

Tier: ( S )

Athena Best Build



Smite 2: Athena Items Build

Smite 1: Athena Items Build

Athena Conquest build: War Banner, Evolved Prophetic Cloak, Mystical Mail, Erosion, Bewitched Dagger, Mantle of Discord.

Athena Joust build: Spartan Flag, Chronos’ Pendant, Evolved Gauntlet of Thebes, Eldritch Dagger, Spirit Robe, Shifter’s Shield.

Athena Duel build: Bumba’s Hammer, Chronos’ Pendant, Spear of Desolation, Polynomicon, Obsidian Shard, Magi’s Cloak.

Athena’s Skill Order

Skill 3 > Skill 2 > Skill 1.

Skill Order1234567891011121314151617181920
Preemptive Strikexxxxx
Shield Wallxxxxx
Defender of Olympusxxxxx

Athena Skill

Passive: Reach

After using a skill Athena’s basic attack will attack from a distance and pierce through enemies.

Skill 1: Preemptive Strike

Athena charges forward to attack and damage enemies.

Skill 2: Confound

Athena unleashes a stream of power that attacks enemies in front of her in a fan-shaped pattern.

Skill 3: Shield Wall

Athena summons a group of warriors to attack and slow enemies in range.

Skill 4: Defender of Olympus

Athena selects an enemy, leaps into the air, and stomps on the target enemy’s location.

How To Play Athena ?

Athena can go Solo Lane or Duo Lane – Support.

Athena has strong fighting ability, so focus damage on low-health enemies in the back to destroy them quickly.

Combo Athena:

Skill 1 + Skill 3 + Skill 2.

Preemptive Strike + Shield Wall + Confound

 Skill 4 + Skill 3 + Skill 2 + Skill 1.

Defender of Olympus + Shield Wall + Confound + Preemptive Strike

Skill 4 + Skill 3 + Skill 2 + Skill 1.

Defender of Olympus + Shield Wall + Confound + Preemptive Strike

Athena Team:

These picks good Athena : Bacchus, Athena, Nemesis, Artemis.

Athena Threats:

These picks counter Athena : Khepri, Ganesha, Ymir, Geb.

Athena Build Breakdown

Athena should start with items like: Tainted Steel, Spellbook, Teleport Fragment, Healing Potion. Athena will be stronger with the following items: Stone of Binding, Prophetic Cloak, Spirit Robe, Gauntlet of Thebes.

Gold needed to build items for Athena:

War BannerEvolved Prophetic CloakMystical MailErosionBewitched DaggerMantle of Discord
1850 (Gold)1750 (Gold)2400 (Gold)2200 (Gold)1900 (Gold)2650 (Gold)

Analysis of Arachne’s items attributes:

  • Magical Power
  • Health
  • MP5
  • Cooldown Reduction
  • Magical Penetration
  • HP5
  • Magical Penetration
  • Mana

Starting Build




Build for Game Modes

Gauntlet Of ThebesGauntlet Of ThebesGauntlet Of ThebesSovereigntyGauntlet Of Thebes
Prophetic CloakProphetic CloakGenji’s GuardContagionProphetic Cloak
Sentinel’s GiftStone Of BindingGladiator’s ShieldAmulet Of The StrongholdStone Of Binding
Stone Of BindingGladiator’s ShieldStone Of BindingStone Of GaiaReverent Pridwen
Sentinel’s EmbraceSpirit RobeContagionPridwenSpirit Robe
Spirit RobeSentinel’s EmbraceWarrior’s AxeHeartward AmuletHeroism
Breastplate Of ValorBreastplate Of ValorBreastplate Of ValorBenevolenceBreastplate Of Valor
PestilenceGenji’s GuardChronos’ PendantBreastplate Of ValorPridwen

Athena Statistics


Health700 (+105)Mana190 (+34)
Speed365 (+0)Range12 (+0)
Attack/Sec1 (+1.2%)

Basic Attack

Physical28 (+3.5)Magical35 (+1.6)
HP58 (+0.8)MP54.6 (+0.42)

Matchups VS Athena

NameMatchesWin rate
Athena vs Anubis
Athena vs Anubis
Athena vs Neith
Athena vs Neith
Athena vs Nu Wa
Athena vs Nu Wa
Athena vs Ymir
Athena vs Ymir
Athena vs Thanatos
Athena vs Thanatos
Athena vs Medusa
Athena vs Medusa
Athena vs Mulan
Athena vs Mulan
Athena vs Poseidon
Athena vs Poseidon

Conclusion on Athena

If you like a Guardian, choose Athena.

What are the abilities of Athena in smite?

Athena smite is known as Goddess Of Wisdom, taking on the role of Guardian with Easy difficulty. Athena’s passive is Reach, skill 1 is Preemptive Strike, skill 2 is Confound, skill 3 is Shield Wall and ultimate is Defender of Olympus.

Best Relics for Athena in Smite ?

Emblem of Increasing Peril, Scorching Blink Rune.

Best Items for Athena in Smite ?

Stone of Binding, Prophetic Cloak, Spirit Robe, Gauntlet of Thebes.

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